Sunday, November 28, 2010

Roray information and services from RC team

If nothing happens in the clubs, nothing will happen in Rotary. The future growth and development of Rotary can only happen in the clubs, in strong and active clubs. Many clubs will need support from their district to become strong and active. Therefore Rotary International has appointed Rotary Coordinators who have been trained to give support to the districts in this important job. There is one Rotary Coordinator (RC) appointed for each zone and the RC has a team of three assistants. In our zone 15 my team members are Christina Bredin, Britta Wallgren and Risto Muinonen.

The Rotary Coordinator team is there to support you. We are ready to come to your seminars, PETS, district assemblies, or any other event to give a speech, lead a discussion group and cooperate with you according to your wishes. We are all on Skype, so you can easily give us a call when you need a discussion partner.

The topics we cover are: New generations, Membership development, Strengthening of clubs,Club leadership plan, Strategic planning, Goal setting for clubs,Starting new clubs, and PR activities.

On our Rotary Coordinator blog you will find useful information and links. So sign up to become a Follower. We want to keep in touch with you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Monthly E-Newsletter for Rotary Leaders from RRFC Zone 15 Matti Wall

Your governor training in San Diego is just behind the corner. I suppose you have began your planning for your Governor year 2011-2012 with meetings and other preparations for your year as governors. Our Rotary Foundation is an important part of what you will deal with the coming Rotary year, and I would like to remind you of a few points to bear in mind during your preparations:
1. When you set the foundation goals for your district in San Diego, try to increase a little bit from the goals your predecessor set. You can discuss with present DG and your DRFC, see what the results in your districts have been the last years and then make up your mind as to what figures should be your goals. You can also ask your ARRFCs and get advice from them. You can find your ARRFC on the left side of this sheet.
2. I hope your goals would include
I. Try to find one new Major Donor
II. You would include Polio 200 million Challenge at least one PHF from each club
3. Make sure that you involve or at least inform your present DGN about your goalsetting.
4. Be aware of the four different funds:
1. Polio
2. Annual Programs Fund - VERY IMPORTANT
3. Peace Centers
4. Permanent Fund
5. Make yourself familiar with the foundation - OUR foundation - and see how the figures increase during the year, and try to be familiar with the webpage, member access.
The hole letter is available at:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Polioproject in Afghanistan 2010-2013

It is my great pleasure to inform you that the Foreign Ministry of Finland has approved our application for further polio eradication program in Afghanistan during the years 2011-13 and the grants are as follows: Year 2011: 150 000 euros, year 2012: 300 000 euros and year 2013: 350 000 euros, altogether 800 000 euros. The requirement is that the Finnish districts (through Finlands Rotary) provide at least 15 % of the total sum.

Poliohanke Afganistanissa 2011-2013

Ulkoministeriön vastikään julkaistun tiedotteen mukaan Suomen Rotary:lle on myönnetty tämän vuoden hankkeemme jatkoksi vuosille 2011-2013 yhteensä 800000 euroa Afganistanin Poliohankkeen toteutusta varten. Avustus jakautuu siten, että ensimmäiselle vuodelle myönnettiin 150000, toiselle 300000 ja kolmannelle 350000 euroa. Omarahoitusosuutemme on 15% hankkeen kokonaissummasta.